CASE STUDY 2 - "For Me" Motivational App (Group Project)
While going through the motions of our everyday lives, we often feel overwhelmed by all of the tasks we need to complete in a day. We have found there to be a lack of intent to take care of ourselves. Through the past year, Covid-19 and Quarantine have taught us to be more mindful of our wellbeing and self-love.
The "For Me" app will allow individuals to allot time in their day to meditate, take a walk, journal thoughts and feelings. And focus on finding a way to unify an individual’s physical and mental journey.
MY ROLE: Ui/Ux Designer, Researcher
TOOLS: Miro, Figma, Google Suite, Trello and Adobe Illustrator
User Research
Our group wants to focus on finding a way to unify an individual’s physical and mental journey. The Motivate Me app will allow individuals to allot time in their day to meditate, take a walk, journal thoughts and feelings.
As user researchers, we want to better understand what influences people to feel motivated in order to strengthen their mind and body, such as engaging in fitness activities and living a healthier lifestyle. The development of our app will allow users to fulfill their self-care regimens.
User interviews will be conducted via Zoom to collect qualitative data from participants. The interviewees will consist of UX boot camp students. As researchers, we will also conduct a survey via Google forms. We will use the collected data to refine our user persona and user insight.
The ideal participants will be male and female individuals (mostly Millennials) who work and study part-time/full-time. The hectic schedules of these participants will allow us to understand how each individual copes with time management and if they are able to continue with their self-care.
Opening paragraph
Hi <name>, I'm <xxxx>. We are conducting this study because we want to learn how
people define the term self-care. With this in mind, we want to understand what motivates or deters people from fulfilling their needs in order to better themselves. You can help us the most by providing honest feedback toward our questions. This interview is being recorded and will be anonymous. If you don't remember or simply don't know the answer to a question, please let us know. And again, thank you so much for helping us with this study.
Interview questions
Demographic questions: where do you live, age, preferred pronoun, profession, marital status
Do you have kids? If yes, do you find it hard to implement enough time for yourself on a regular basis?
What is something that you used to implement into your daily/weekly routine that you miss doing for yourself?
What does your typical week look like?
What are your hobbies?
Do you exercise regularly? If yes, how many hours per week?
What is your exercise routine?
How many hours a day do you spend on social media?
How would you define self-care?
Do you use any apps for your self-care?
What are the features you like/dislike about those apps?
If you don’t use any apps, what are some features you think can help better oneself?
Has the pandemic influenced your perception of self-care?
Do you think your self-care has increased or decreased due to the pandemic?
What motivates you to get work done?
How much time in a week do you spend to focus on yourself?
Do you think you get enough sleep per night?
How do you feel when you wake up in the morning?
What measures do you employ to relieve stress?
What is deterring you from fulfilling your expectations (to the answers above)?
Closing paragraph
Thank you so much for your time. You provided us with a lot of helpful insight and we truly appreciate it.
Have a wonderful day!


• Our user research has shown that we are targeting young busy professionals.
• Our users have a lot on their plates, and organizing their time can be a challenge.
• Social media is addictive and takes up a lot of time that people wish they spent on something more useful.


• Challenges for spending less time online, exercising more, eating healthier, etc. can be motivating.
• Reminders and awards can help keep a user on track.
• I have designed the logo, which combines a person an their goal/target.
• Our turquoise colour scheme is calming and associated with health and well-being.